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Hammond Minnesota

From the book
Compiled by Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge and Others
Published Winona, MN by H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1920
Republished Currently by
Higginson Books

This history originally located at
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Hammond is a thriving village located near the most southerly bend of the Zumbro River. It extends both sides of the river. On the west side is the Hammond State Bank, the Hammond Creamery Association, the Hammond Telephone Association exchange, the Hammond Building Block Co., the post-office, the hotel, and a number of business houses. East of the river are the railroad station, the lumber yard, elevator, stock shipping facilities and the Catholic, Evangelical, Lutheran and Methodist churches are represented in Hammond.


West End of Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
West End of Hammond
York Store is the large white building in the center. Hammond House Hotel is the building just to the right, with dormers on the roof. On the right side of the photo you can see the old bridge, joining the west and east sides of Hammond.

Contributed by
Sue Buck

East End of Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
East End of Hammond
Contributed by
Sue Buck

Situated on an easy ford across the Zumbro, on a road leading from lower down the valley and forking here to the rich lands eastward, the present site of Hammond easily became a well known point. This ford was located south of the present bridge, and north of the mouth of what was then an excellent trout stream flowing some three miles from the west, but which is now a dry run. In the first year or so of settlement the crossing was known as Lyme's Ford, from a settler named Lyman, who owned woodland on the heights north of the ford and for a time occupied a cabin there. In 1856 Joseph Hammons settled in the valley about 100 rods south of what is now the Hammond State Bank. In 1857 Simeon Garlitz settled on the rise of land east of the present road and south of the creek. July 3, 1857, he entered the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 28, township 109, range 13. This land was mortgaged, passed through a sheriff's sale and finally came into possession of Mr. Hammons. In time Mr. Hammons built a house on what is now Main street, about five blocks west of Bridge street. To this house he moved his family and put in a small stock of goods, possible to the value of about $300. This store was continued until a short time before the railroad was built.

Grading on the railroad was started in 1877, and completed and the rails laid and traffic opened in 1878. About the time the grading was being done, three shacks were erected on the present site of the village west of the river.

Milwaukee Road train depot, Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
Hammond Depot
Contributed by
Sue Buck

Bernard Kramer built on the northeast corner of Spring and Bridge streets. Herman Berg built on lot 2, block 2. Fred Dosdall built on lot 5, block 2. He engaged for a time in sawing timber.

In 1878 the first warehouse was erected by Anton Kruger, who had been farming on section 33, some two miles away. His financial partner in the warehouse enterprise was Michael Dosdall, who was farming some four miles south, over the line in Olmsted County. This warehouse handled the great quantities of grain which farmers had held over from the bumper crop of 1877. Edward Noonan was grain buyer and station agent. It was probably that same year (1878) that Otto Sass erected a blacksmith shop on lot 4, block 3, north of the creek, bringing from Lake City the lumber which he obtained from a machine shed he had bought and torn down. It was in the year 1878 that a wooden bridge was built on the site of the present steel bridge.

In 1879 Anton Kruger, the owner of the warehouse, determined that the village should be located about the warehouse east of the bridge. With this in view he built a residence on the north side of the street not far from the warehouse, with the purpose of establishing a hotel. That same year Wilhelm Bartz erected and opened a hotel on lot 5, block 1, on the west side of Bridge street. These and the blacksmith shop built the previous year constitute the beginning of business on Bridge street. About this time August Kuehn erected a house on lot 7, block 3, in the same vicinity. In October, 1879, Nicholas Brucher came here as representative for Calvin Potter, a Kellogg storekeeper, and opened a store in the Anton Kruger residence. Mr. Brucher found here the nucleus of the two business centers which exist.

West of the bridge was the warehouse, in which was also the railroad office. There was also a small railroad waiting-room nearby. There was also the Kruger building, in which he opened his store. The large elevator had been started. The bridge had been built west of the creek, and southwest of the river was the blacksmith shop of Otto Sass. On Bridge street, west of the river, was the hotel of Wilhelm Bartz, and on Spring street was the home of August Kuehn. Farther west was the residence of Joseph Hammons. In the winter of 1879-80 the large elevator, 40 by 80, was built on the site of the present elevator. The railroad office was established in the elevator. In the spring of 1880, Nicholas Brucher erected a store on the site of his present place of business, near where he had operated the Potter store, and started in the meantime business for himself. That year a lumber yard was opened not far from the elevator and warehouse by a Wabasha concern.

E. N. York Store, Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
E. N. York Store
Contributed by
Sue Buck


From a newspaper clipping and signed on the side:
"This is the department I take charge of at the big store ~ N.P. Brucher"

Contributed by
Sue Buck

The Potter Hotel was opened on the height near the Brucher store. In the old warehouse a store was operated for a short time in 1880 as a branch of the Williamson concern at Lake City. Mr. Hammons erected in 1880 a store building on the west side of Bridge street, lot 2, block 4, and rented it to Benjamin Young, who opened a store in it. A hardware store was opened north of the river by William Davis, who soon formed a partnership with Roderick Smith. The building was a vacant store, which had come into the possession of Fred Kahn, a farmer, and was moved to the new village of Hammond. Early in 1881 Fred Dosdall started the building of a hotel on the present site of the Hammond House, at the west end of the bridge, and south of the street. Edward N. York opened business, June 2, 1881, in the Hammond building on Bridge street, which had then been closed about three weeks. It is interesting to note that the two pioneer merchants are still in business here. Nicholas Brucher has his store on the site of the one he opened in 1880. Mr. York continued in business alone for eleven years, and then had William Kruger for a partner for two years. Mr. Kruger sold his interest to Adam Funk, and the E. N. York Mercantile Co. was organized with E. N. York, Adam Funk and A. R. Haggerty, and the present building erected. Messrs. York and Funk are in active management, Mr. Haggerty living in Rochester.

The flood of April 10 and 11, 1888, is an event of much interest to the older residents. The melting snows of the preceding "blizzard winter" swelled the Zumbro and spread out into a great pond. The part of the village west of the river was completely covered. The York store was flooded until the water was over four feet above the main floor, and the goods in the basement and on the main floor were saved only by the most strenuous work. Fortunately the water in this part of the town was still. In the eastern part of the town there was a swift running current which cut through the elevator but did not carry it away. The old wooden bridge was washed away and later replaced by a concrete and steel structure. Pigs and chickens were killed and small buildings washed away, but considering the extent of the flood the damage was not as great as might have been expected.

The village of Hammons, named after the original proprietor, but later changed to Hammond, was surveyed on the west side of the river, October 31, November 1 and 2, 1877, by H. N. McDougall for Mr. Hammons. The principal street running north and south was Bridge street. Parallel to it on the west were First and Second streets. The east and west thoroughfares are Main and Spring streets. There was some uncertainty as to where the bridge was to cross. The present road to the bridge from Bridge street has no name, having been established after the village was platted.

The Dolan and Arnold Hardware Store & Livery Stable, Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
The Dolan and Arnold Hardware Store & Livery Stable
Contributed by
Sue Buck

Hammond was incorporated in 1900. The first officers were: President, Nicholas Brucher; trustees, Nicholas Schouweiler, J. W. Arnold and Albert Fuerstnan; recorder, L. N. Ingalls; treasurer, M. J. Maldoon; justice of the peace, A. J. Button; constable (and street commissioner), Herman Heinbockel. Mr. Brucher served as president also in 1901, since which time his successors have been as follows: 1902, Nicholas Schouweiler; 1903 and 1904, Henry Kitzman; 1905, Adam Funk; 1906 and 1907, Albert Fuerstnan; 1908 and 1909, Math. Rosch; 1910 and 1911, A. D. Anderson; 1912, Herman Beyer; 1913, Math. Rosch; 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1918, Nicholas Ilgen; 1919, A. D. Anderson; 1920 ... L. N. Ingalls served three years as recorder, in 1900, 1901 and 1902. His successors have been as follows: In 1903 and 1904, Nicholas Brucher; in 1905, S. J. French. In 1907 B. D. Mitchell was elected, but at once resigned, and Henry Kitzman was appointed April 2, 1907. Nicholas Schouweiler served in 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911, and M. M. Anderson in 1912 and 1913. The latter who was appointed, served in 1915, 1916 and 1917. Mr. Hoenk was succeeded in 1918 by G. L. Barberrie.

The village has a complete waterworks system and mains covering the principal streets. The system was inaugurated in 1913, with Nathaniel Rosch as president, M. M. Anderson as recorder, and a council consisting of Rudolph Schacht, Jr., Nicholas Ilgen and Emil Dickman. The first action was taken by the board May 23, 1913. A special election was held June 4, 1913, at which the electors by a vote of 41 to 6 decided favorably on the proposition of issuing bonds to the amount of $4,000. A 200-foot well was drilled, an 85,000 gallon tank was installed, and a windmill on a 40-foot galvanized iron tower erected on one of the heights overlooking the village. An engine was also installed as an auxiliary to the windmill. Mains were laid along the principal streets. Certain specifications regarding the river crossing were not complied with, and it was some time before the village fathers finally accepted the system. For some years, however, the river crossing continued to be a source of trouble and leakage. The village property outside of the waterworks system consists of a hose house and fire apparatus, and a combined lock-up and council room.

The fire department had its beginning January 3, 1905, when the council approved as fire chief, John Dolan, who, with the chief engineer and ten others, were to constitute the fire department. After the waterworks were put in, the fire engine was exchanged for 500 feet of hose. The village has been fortunate in never having had a serious fire.

Three different times tests have been made of individual street lamps, but none have yet proven satisfactory. Negotiations are now under way for the use of a private plant for public lighting.

Residential Area, Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
Residential Area
Contributed by
Sue Buck

"Schouweiler's Park," a private park beautifully located on the banks of the Zumbro, is much used as a public picnic ground. There is now in the course of development a combined school and village park which promises much for the future.

The Hammond Post Office was established about 1879 in the Wilhelm Bartz Hotel, with Mr. Bartz as postmaster. In 1880 it was moved to the Hammond store and Benjamin Young made postmaster. After Mr. Young's departure, his bondsmen, Joseph Hammons and Samuel Corp, conducted the office a few months. June 3, 1881, E. N. Corp was appointed. He kept the office in the same place, and when he moved his store, moved the office with it. He was succeeded July 20, 1907, by M. M. Anderson, who moved it to its present location in the Hammond State Bank building.

The first creamery was started in 1887 by Anton Kruger and E. N. York. After operating it four years, they rented it out for an equal length of time, and then sold it to the present Farmers' Creamery Association.

The Hammond Building Block Co. was organized July 27, 1904. The company consists of Adam A. Funk, Herman Heinbockel, L. N. Ingalls and Rudolph Schacht, Sr. The concern is engaged in making building and ornamental blocks, and enjoys quite a trade in this and surrounding towns.

Hammond State Bank, Hammond Minnesota, early 1900's
Hammond State Bank
Contributed by
Sue Buck

The Hammond State Bank was incorporated June 22, 1909, the original stockholders being W. W. Churchill, Nicholas Brucher, E. N. York, Estella A. York, Sidney Corp, J. W. Arnold, M. J. Maldoon, G. W. Price, C. L. Anderson, Nicholas Schouweiler, John McLaughlan, Herman Miller, John F. Cook, Lorinda M. York, all of Hammond, Rufus R. Zander, C. A. Hoffman and M. Wanke, of Jarrett; William Koenig, of Rochester; F. J. McLaughlin, of Donnelly; C. L. Chamberlain, of Wabasha, and Jacob H. Seim, of South Troy. The first board of directors was composed of the above mentioned stockholders with the exception of John F. Cook, F. G. Colburn and Jacob H. Seim. At the first regular meeting of the board, held August 3, 1898, the officers elected were: M. J. Maldoon (president), John McLaughlin (vice-president), W. W. Churchill, of the First National Bank of Rochester (cashier), E. N. York, Nicholas Schouweiler, Sidney Corp, J. W. Arnold, Herman Miller, Rufus R. Zander and C. A. Hoffman. The original capital stock was $10,000, and the bank opened for business in the west half of a building erected for that purpose by Mr. Maldoon. It has enjoyed a highly prosperous career with a steadily increasing volume of business, as shown by the following figures: In 1900 its deposits were $30,253.01; loans and discounts, $32,776.63; 1905, deposits, $51,850.02; loans and discounts, $93,423.51; 1915, deposits, $142,876.07; loans and discounts, $155,796.42; 1919 (report of December 31), capital stock, $25,000; surplus and undivided profits, $8,217.93; deposits, $250,435.03; loans and discounts, $227.922.88. The following list shows the successive changes in the official staff: Presidents ~ 1898, M. J. Maldoon; 1901, E. N. York; 1902, Nicholas Schouweiler; 1903, Nicholas Brucher (declined to serve), M. J. Maldoon; 1904, E. N. York; 1907, M. J. Maldoon; 1909, Nicholas Schouweiler; 1913, William Koenig; 1914, Nicholas Schouweiler.

Vice-presidents ~ 1898, John M. Loughlin; 1900, E. N. York; 1901, Nicholas Brucher, 1903, Henry Kitzman; 1905, M. J. Maldoon; 1906, Nicholas Schouweiler; 1908, William Koenig; 1909, John Robinson; 1910, William Koenig; 1913, W. W. Crawford; 1919, William Koenig.

Cashiers ~ 1898, W. W. Churchill; 1902, Glen W. Mosher; 1903, Nicholas Schouweiler; 1904, Bert D. Mitchell; 1909, E. N. York; 1919, W. E. York.

Assistant cashiers ~ March 17, 1899, H. A. Haynes; January 1, 1900, Glen W. Mosher; January 12, 1903, Bert D. Mitchell; January 12, 1904, to January 12, 1909, none; January 12, 1909, Walter E. York; January 12, 1912, Walter E. York and B. E. Fick; January 12, 1915, Walter E. York and Charles Timm; January 12, 1919, Otis Preston; September 1, 1919 (clerk), M. M. Anderson.

The officers chosen January 13, 1920, were: Nicholas Schouweiler (president), William Koenig (vice-president), W. E. York (cashier), M. M. Anderson (assistant cashier), John Robinson, E. N. York, W. M. Crawford, Thomas W. Cooke, Nicholas Schouweiler, William Koenig, L. A. Welke, John E. Webster and O. H. Olson.

The Farmers' State Bank of Hammond was organized September 1, 1915, through the efforts of A. J. Hodge, of the Mazeppa Peoples State Bank, a former resident of this vicinity, and opened its doors for business September 10, 1915. Its officers were: John F. Cooke (president), A. J. Hodge (vice-president), F. A. Hodge (cashier), A. F. Polson, Nick Ilgen, Edw. Reinke, A. W. Haggerty, W. P. Pencille, Lynn R. Anderson, and A. D. Anderson. The bank started business with a capital of $10,000 and a surplus of $2,000. Its first quarters were in the Elgin Hardware Store, but the erection of a new building was at once begun, and was subsequently completed, being occupied January 1, 1916. The deposits December 3, 1915, were $27,786.38; loans and discounts, $26,882.00. On December 31, 1916, the deposits were $86,153.43; loans and discounts, $83,278.32. On December 31, 1917, the deposits were $149,640.59; loans and discounts, $135,646.14. On December 31, 1918, the deposits were $169,074.89; loans and discounts, $158,859.26. In September, 1919, the capital was increased to $15,000, and the surplus to $3,000. F. A. Hodge was sole cashier up to June, 1919, when Arthur Funk was hired as helper, and the latter became assistant cashier January 1, 1920. John F. Cooke still remains president. Mr. Hyde was succeeded as vice-president in 1917 by W. D. Pencille, and as director by J. M. Meyer. In 1920 F. A. Hodge succeeded A. F. Polson as director.

St. Clement Church, Hammond, Minn. ~ The first Catholic settlers in the village of Hammond and vicinity, coming from centers of Christian influence, were not unmindful of the necessary spiritual things in their new homes. In the early days of the settlement the first few Catholic families were favored with occasional visits by the old and venerable pioneer priest, Father Tissot, of Wabasha, and his noble successor, Father James Trobec, who held religious services in the humble log cabins of the faithful. In the fall of 1879, Father Jacobs took charge of this station, having been appointed the first resident pastor at West Albany. In the spring of 1881 the first church was erected ~ a frame structure 26 by 36 feet, with a sanctuary 12 by 16 feet. The work on the building was done by John Wagner and Nicholas Nei. Father Boland succeeded Father Jacobs in 1883, and was followed by Fathers Ryan, Fox, Stolz, Shels and Schwartz. Under the pastoral administration of Rev. Fr. Shels, an addition 16 by 26 feet to the main body of the church was built, with a tower 72 feet in height, and a gallery in the interior of the church. Rev. Fr. Schwartz aided in the improvements of the church by frescoing the interior, excavating the basement, and purchasing two fine harmonious ringing bells. In November, 1900, Fr. Mueller took charge of the Mission, and during his incumbency, which is still in force, various improvements inside and outside of the church have been made. The first settlers of this mission are: Math. Funk, Ed. Riley, W. Sauls, Pat Murray, Edward Kinney and M. McCarthy. What the first pioneers of this mission have done without thought of recompense will be a lasting memory forever. The cold hand of death cannot blot out the record of work they have accomplished as a strong impression upon the minds of the future generations.

Rev. Francis X. Mueller.


Hyde Park Township occupies that part of Congressional Township 109, Range 13, lying north of the Zumbro River. It is bounded on the north by Gillford, on the east by Oakwood, and on the south and west by Zumbro Township. The land is varied. Along the banks of the Zumbro and extending some two miles north the land is rough and hilly, and was originally covered with a heavy growth of oak timber.

In the early part of May, 1855, Paris Devitt and Samuel Parker settled in this district of country now known as Hyde Park. The next day after their arrival came John Ritter, Charles Holzman, William McCloud; and it was but a very short time until George and Seymore Fanning and the Baker families arrived and took up homesteads. It was the rolling farm-land, dotted with poplar groves, which attracted these men, some of whom came from northern Pennsylvania, while others from Maryland. The close of the summer of 1855 found almost every quarter-section "claimed," and a log cabin erected to shield the pioneer from Minnesota's wintry blasts. The winter of 1855-56 is a notable one in the history of the country as the "cold winter," and the early settlers suffered greatly since they were so far from mill and market, besides their means were very scanty. Many tales of hardship are related of that "cold winter." When the snow became so deep and the weather so cold that it was impossible to get the grain to mill, the old coffee mill was used, and the words "Flannigan's Mill" bring back to many old settlers recollections of pioneer life in the winter of 1855-56.

At the time of the government survey the tract of land now included in the townships of Zumbro and Hyde Park was called Concord. This name, however, for some reason, did not suit the people, and at a meeting held May 11, 1858, the name Troy was chosen. The legislature would not accept this, however, as another town in the state held the same name, so it was named Zumbro, after the river which divided it. The larger part of the population lived on the south side of the river, and all township elections and meetings were held on that side. This was a source of trouble to the north side people, for at the spring and fall elections the river was swollen so much with the rains that they could not cross but with a risk of their lives, so a general feeling of dissatisfaction arose, which culminated in the spring of 1862, in dividing the township by the river, the south part retaining the name Zumbro. At the first meeting held north of the river the name Hyde Park was suggested by an Englishman, so that the township is named after one of the most famous places in London.

The first settlers of this township coming from centers of Christian influence, were not unmindful of spiritual things in their new homes, and with the foundations of their log cabins they erected altars of prayer and praise. As early as 1856 religious services were held in the cabins of the farmers, and people old and young came to the meetings. The first preaching services in the township were held at the home of John Ritter, and the minister was the pioneer Jas. McArdell.

In 1856 Wm. Parker opened and stocked the first store in the township, which he operated until 1856. He was the first postmaster in the township. John Reller was the first blacksmith, and he opened the first shop in 1858. Francis Shaw had the first shoe-shop, which he opened in 1857. The first birth was that of Effie Woodward, born February 14, 1856. The first marriage was that of Isaac York and Mrs. Jane Shaw, June 22, 1856.

The first schoolhouse in the township was built in the summer of 1856, on the northeast corner of section 3. This schoolhouse was in the district now numbered 45. The first teacher was Mary Shaw, who received twelve dollars per month for her services. There were three families in the district: Shays, Parkers and Yorks. The first school held in what is now known as district 46, was taught by Unus Potter in 1857 at a private house. The next year it was held in a barn owned by r. Peter Kelley, and the next year a log schoolhouse was built by the settlers. The first school in district 84 was taught by Lucy Roberts, probably about 1859.

At the time of the construction of the narrow-gauge railroad through the township, the question whether the township should bond itself was voted upon. At the first election the "bonding" was defeated, but after a few days the decision was reversed and the people agreed to pay $6,000, giving seven per cent payable semi-annually. This was a large amount for so small a township to pay but they have gained great benefit from the road, since now they have a good market close at home, whereas, prior to the construction of the road, the grain and marketing had to be taken by wagon twenty to twenty-five miles.

Jarretts is a hamlet on the Midland Division of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Before there was an inhabitant near the present site of the hamlet, there was a ford in the Zumbro where the old settlers in an early day crossed, and since the nearest dweller was Mr. Jarrett, the place came to be called "Jarrett's Ford," and when a post-office was established it received the name of Jarretts. The hamlet really had its birth in 1878, when the narrow-gauge railroad was built. A flouring-mill, run by water-power, was built in 1878 by Kimball & Kitzman. The elevator was put up as a feeder to the flouring-mill at Mazeppa. Kimball operated the mill for two years or more, selling to J. L. Owen. It subsequently passed into the hands of Fred G. Colburn, who has operated it since, and in 1918 the firm became F. G. Colburn & Son. F. W. Shaw established a general store about 1878, and continued in business here many years, or until he went to Oregon in 1905. His nephew, B. C. Shaw, then conducted the business for a short time, being succeeded by M. Golden. The latter sold to the present proprietor, George New. Jarretts has about 50 inhabitants.


Zumbro Township embraces all of Township 109, Range 13, south of the Zumbro River, and all of Township 109, Range 14, south of the Zumbro River and east of the south branch thereof. The first settlers in this town ~ at that time Concord ~ were the Baileys, Thomas, George and Andrew, who came in the early part of 1855, and followed some time in the summer of 1856 by the Jenkins family, father and two sons, and a Mr. Baker.

The first school was taught in the late Isaac Jenkins claim shanty in the summer of 1859, by Miss Nellie Walker (some say Helen Everet, or Nannie Walker, but the majority say Nellie Walker), who received $12 for the term of three months, and boarded herself. This school, now known as district 49, was organized in 1861, and the first school after its organization was held in a shanty built expressly for that purpose by York and Jenkins, and which was used for that purpose till 1864, when the red schoolhouse was built on section 31. The first teacher in the red schoolhouse was Hattie Ruber.

In 1863, a post-office, called South Troy, was established, but at the end of two years was discontinued. In 1866, a Mr. John Ralton brought on a stock of goods and opened a store for the accommodation of the people in that section of the country.

The records show the first town meeting to have been held May 11, 1858, when the following officers were elected ~ then known as Troy: George Fanning (chairman), George Roberts, Edward York, supervisors; John Ritter, clerk; Isaac Jenkins, assessor; Parish Dewitt, collector; Francis W. Shaw, A. J. Jenkins, constables; George W. Fanning, Isaac Jenkins, justices.

The territory now covered by Zumbro, Mazeppa and Hyde Park is just equal to two full townships and was originally known as Mazeppa and Concord. Concord was the name of the election precinct, in which it was situated at the time of the government survey. Afterward, in May, 1858, at a town meeting, the name of Troy was adopted by a vote of the people, by which name it was known till 1861. There being another town of the same name in the state, the legislature declined to endorse the action of the town meeting, and consequently it became necessary to call another meeting; this time to consider the propriety of dividing the town as well as adopting another name.

The river Zumbro entered the town of Troy from the northwest, in section 6, a quarter of a mile east of the town-line, and flowed in a southeasterly direction till it reached a point one mile south of the center of the town, where it turned and followed a northeasterly course, and finally leaving the town about on the line of sections 13 and 24, it being the center of the north and south line. This river rendered it so inconvenient for the people to meet, and especially so in the spring, that it was finally decided (the consent of the county commissioners having been obtained) at a town meeting held March 19, 1861, to divide the town, the Zumbro forming the boundary, and also to call the new town south of the river, Zumbro. Soon afterwards, all that portion of Mazeppa south of the Zumbro River and east of the sough branch thereof was added to the new town of Zumbro.

The hamlets in Zumbro Township are South Trip (sic - must be South Troy) and Bremen Corners. The village of Hammond lies partly in Zumbro and partly in Hyde Park.

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